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VTEM skitter
VTEM skitter
VTEM skitter
VTEM skitter
VTEM skitter

IMG 20240129 WA0057

At Food Bridge vzw, our dedication to the Food Heritage Project goes beyond collaborating with rural farmers. We understand the vital connection between community development and the education of children within these communities. As such, we are committed to supporting the educational needs of children by providing essential assistance.

Recently, schools in the Manga district area reached out to us for support with their school feeding programs. Our focus not only encompasses conserving indigenous crops but also ensuring food security in these communities. Upon visiting these schools, our coordinator, Rebecca, witnessed the urgent need for assistance in sustaining these feeding programs and empowering the schools to thrive. So we want to help two schools - Akorkorma Siisi  D/A Basic School  (325 students) in Upper Manya District and Okwenya M/A Basic School with 300 students in the lower  Manya Krobo Municipal authority.

Both schools have expressed difficulties in procuring an adequate amount of food for student meals and have established farms to supplement what the government provides. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, we have developed a comprehensive approach to effectively address their needs. Our proposal involves enhancing the nutritional quality of the feeding program and providing essential resources such as seeds, farming tools, and training to enable the schools to cultivate their own food. By doing so, we aim not only to ensure the sustainability of their feeding programs but also to empower them to generate additional income by selling surplus harvests. 

The success of this initiative heavily relies on the generosity and support of individuals and organizations. Your partnership would not only help alleviate immediate hunger among school children but also lay the foundation for long-term resilience and self-sufficiency within these communities.

We are seeking financial assistance to buy organic seeds, wheelbarrows, farming equipment, and materials to kick-start this planting season and make a tangible difference in the lives of these children and their families. All contributions will directly impact the well-being and future prospects of the students.

We are committed to maintaining transparency and accountability throughout the project's duration. We will provide regular updates on the progress made and the impact achieved, ensuring that your donation is utilized effectively and efficiently.

Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Donations can also be made to -

The Food Bridge vzw

IBAN: BE33 0017 5988 5346


BNP Paribas Fortis Bank Belgium

The Helping Hand Project

In collaboration with Kwabre Ne Sekyere Belgium,Mfantesman vzw,Voice of Women International, Kente FM and other African organizations, we are organizing "The Helping Hand project",is an action started in 2016, aimed at feeding the homeless in the Brussels area. We are in need of volunteers to help with the cooking, packing and distribution of food to the homeless and needy. We are also still looking for sponsors for this project. We do not accept funds but prefer sponsorship in the form of donations of desired food items, food packaging materials. if you are interested in giving a helping hand, contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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