The Francophone Africa Business Forum is coming up on the 19th of June 2018 at the Hague Netherlands. Over 150 agri-entrepreneurs from Francophone Africa will attend the FAB Forum and also are looking for expertise, equipment, seeds, cold stores and other business opportunities. The full list of companies is available on the website.

There will be different workshops and experts sharing their insights from different agribusiness sectors. More information is on the organizer's website

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The African Diaspora Agro Food Forum 2018, will be coming up on the 25th of April 2018 at the Brabantzaal, Bouchout Castle Botanic Castle Meise Belgium.


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it is with great pleasure that we announce that after a meeting with Ondernemers voor Ondernemers and VITO, a European independent research and technology organisation in the areas of cleantech and sustainable development, elaborating solutions for the large societal challenges of today. Both organizations are bringing together their expertise to insure the candidates for this call, get the best support to actualize their entrepreneurial projects.
We will be putting out a call for project in February for the African Diaspora Projects Initiative focusing on sustainable technology for Africa. We appreciate the fact that many European organization now recognize the importance of African Diasporas in the development of Africa.
We will soon provide you with more details.

A Workshop on 'Edible insects for food, feed and food security', is being organized in collaboration with the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Meise Botanic Garden and BigPicnic on the 20th of March 2018. (program included).

Apart from staff from the Botanic Garden, the Africa Museum and also RBIN (Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences), we hope to reach people and organisations from the African Diaspora community, as the workshop will be focusing on both the Belgian and the African context, with as much interaction and exchange of knowledge as possible.

The workshop will take place in the CAPA-building (3rd floor, room 33), Leuvensesteenweg 17, Tervuren.

The programme:
13:00 – 13:30 Welcome. B. Verbergt, Operational Director Public oriented services, Royal Museum for Central Africa.
13:30 – 13:45 Regulations concerning production, processing and use of edible insects. Speaker to be decided.
13:45 – 14:15 Possible methods for discrimination of insects versus marine arthropods in processed animal proteins. Pascal Veys, CRA-W.
14 :15 – 14 :45 Presentation of RMCA projects on edible insects in Africa. Patricia Mergen, Royal Museum for Central Africa.
14 :45 – 15 :15 Break with insect tastings.
15 :15 – 15 :45 : Meise Botanic Garden and the BigPicnic project: edible insects, consumers acceptance and food security. Jutta Kleber, Meise Botanic Garden
15 :45 – 16 :30 Science café on edible insects for food security

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The Food Bridge was honoured to present aspects of African food culture as part of the partnership with the BigPicnic project during the official opening of the new glasshouse of the Botanic garden Meise. The event started with the Igbo kolanut rites and sharing of palm wine. The participants at the Afrikot corner also tasted various delicious fried root crops such as yam, cassava, sweet potatoes and also plantain. The refreshing bissap juice from Talina was presented by Eva Ba at the event. The invited guests were given a guided tour of the new tropical garden in the glass house which contains many food crops, important in the African food system


The application is now open for the 2018 call for projects on "Sustainable Technologies for Africa". Entries will be accepted from 1st February to the 2nd of March 2018. This is an initiative of Ondernemers voor Ondernemers,The African Diaspora Projects Initiative and the Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO). 

Here is a link to the online application form -

We are happy to announce that Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs, our partners for the African projects initiative have started the process of helping some of the African entrepreneurs selected at the event. Dr Suzanne Awung of The Forgotten Green Heroes has submitted her business plan for an agro -food project in Cameroon and is working with the staff of Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs to make this project a reality. Ms Zilipa of Solidev's coffee and mushroom projects in Rwanda were also selected and we will keep you updated as these projects progress.

More projects from this initiative are billed to get support from Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs, those selected will be informed in the near future.

“Garden gossips” is an online platform to promote an  initiative of the BigPicnic Project (a horizon 2020 EU project of Botanic Garden Meise), The Food Bridge vzw, The Forgotten Green Heroes and FAAB vzw. The aim of this initiative is to provide a platform to encourage and support African Diasporans to grow their own vegetables and crops.

Living in diaspora communities, many especially the younger generation  are  distanced from the sources of their food which is not the case in Africa. Growing some of what we eat is not just good for us but also for the environment. By growing your own food, you have a family friendly activity that also guarantees you of fresh crops, grown with your interest at heart.

For those who are missing that connection to the land, this is an opportunity to be part of a network of experts, enthusiasts and also beginners. You can ask questions or share best practice especially about growing African vegetables and crops.

For more information see this link -


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The Food Bridge vzw is meeting on the 3rd of May 2017 at GC De Platoo Brussels  with heads of African Diaspora organizations with projects in the agro-food sector. This is in preparation for an initiative by The Food Bridge to help agro-food projects access social funds. On the 1st of June 2017, there will be an opportunity for entrepreneurs with projects in the global south to present these to experts using a speed dating approach. Selected projects will be supported with business plan, market research and finally funds. We will post more details later.


Food production impacts on our environment and also needs the input of diverse resources. As you shop and cook this season, do it with a thought for those who spend so much resources producing the food and also those who will go hungry for lack of food. Do not waste food!!!!!! Enjoy your holidays.


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The new book by the founder of The Food Bridge vzw Maureen Duru is now available. Published by Peter Lang with the support of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, this book provides insight into the modern African migrations, diaspora communities and how they use food to sustain their sense of identity in their host country. Using their foodways the book also examines the challenges and resources available to migrants as they settle into new comunities. Attention is given to identity sustaining rites and habits, gender roles, inter racial and inter generational interactions.