Through the Link-up platform we bring together individuals, projects and organizations, working in the agro food sector. We create opportunities and facilitate connections that promote socially impactful development in Africa. Our aim is to insure entrepreneurs, researchers, scientists, institutions, organizations and SMEs have access to useful contacts that will help them achieve their set goals. You will find below some potential link-up opportunities with projects or individuals that may benefit from your collaborations, partnerships, funding and other resources. All the people included here, have verifiable projects and expertise.
Link-up Platform
Pape is a young dynamic African advocating for the development of the agro food sector through social entrepreneurship. In June 2013, he won the SASACID Challenge Innovation Agribusiness competition in collaboration with the Project, Insertion and Innovation Department of UGB, thus opening the door of entrepreneurship opportunities. He also became a Fellow of the Promise Senegal program of Synapse Center and Young Farmers in November of 2013
Pape is a founding member of a dynamic agri-hub in west Africa called Yeesal, a Wolof term meaning ‘Innovate or (where to) Renovate’. The objectives of Yeesal are –
Finding innovative ICT solutions for the problems which the rural world is confronted with every day.
Train and sensitive young people on agricultural entrepreneurship
Facilitate access to information and opportunities needed to support the farming sector
Some of their projects are –
- Agripreneur in Action
- Broadcasting of agricultural information and training of young people
- 40 young people coming from Thiès and Dakar trained in one year
- ONER: National Monitoring Observatory of the Rural Employment
- Platform dedicated to working on the theme of decent rural employment
- SENAG: " succeed in Senegal " 200 young people trained on employment skills needed in the agricultural value chain to reduce unemployment
Contact : Pape Ousmane Ndiaye - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.