call for papers special issue Civilization journalFollowing the successful conference on decolonization, diasporas, and the African food system, we are pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue of the international journal Civilizations, which will be coordinated by Dr. Sarah O'Neill and Dr. Maureen Duru.
We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners to submit papers that offer new insights and perspectives on the theme: Food, Power, and the African Diaspora: Exploring Intersections. This special issue seeks to delve into the complex relationships between food systems, power dynamics, and the African diaspora, highlighting the historical, cultural, and socio-economic intersections.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• The role of food in the cultural identity and heritage of African diasporic communities.
• Historical analysis of colonialism and its impact on African food systems.
• Power dynamics within global food trade and its effects on African nations and diasporic communities.
• Food sovereignty and security in African diasporic contexts.
• Culinary traditions and innovations within the African diaspora.
• The intersection of food, politics, and social movements in African diasporic communities.
• Contributions of African diasporic communities to global food culture and systems.
• Case studies on decolonizing food practices within the African diaspora.
We encourage papers that are not only informative but also provide new insights and provoke thought on the edition's theme. Submissions should contribute to a deeper understanding of how food and power interact within the African diaspora and offer fresh perspectives on these intersections.

Submissions for articles may be sent in French or British English, and should include a
title, an abstract (500 words maximum), 4-5 keywords, and an indicative bibliography.
The journal also accepts suggestions for book reviews linked to the central theme, as well
as review articles covering multiple recent publications on this topic.
Proposals should be sent before 15 September 2024 to the editorial assistant of the journal: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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