Art of Food Heritage; Spices session

Art of Food Heritage; Spices session

Join us on the 29th of September for another session of the Art of Food Heritage Project. This session is all about spices. We will start with an infosession by the food history and archeology expert Mr Jeroen Van Vaerenbergh (

There will then be presentations of spices from Nigeria, Morrocco, India and Japan. We look forward to welcoming you  to the session.

The venue is GC Nekkersdal Emile Bockstaellaan 107, 1020 Laken Brussels Belgium , from 5pm to 7pmtamanna rumee qkgxIZOhvWI unsplash




















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Event Information

Event Date 29-09-2023 5:00 pm
Event End Date 29-09-2023 7:00 pm
Registered 0
Cancel Registration Before Date 18-02-2025 12:25 am
Location GC Nekkersdal
We are no longer accepting registration for this event